Translation Methods

God has given you the gift of language which you can use to make the Bible available to others who speak your language. Below are translation processes to help you.


For written or oral translations, use MAST.

For sign language translations, use DOT.

For deaf who can’t read and the blind, use SUN.

To update your current translation, use REV.

Translation Methods

USFM documentation

I have uploaded here a PDF copy of the USFM User Reference Guide. usfmReference2_4 Version 2.4 of the standard is widely used, and practically every Bible translation tool and online resource supports it. Some software tools (e.g. translationCore, Paratext) make use...

MAST Event – First 2 Days Guidelines

MAST Event Day One Chapel/ Devotion (30 Minutes) Start time 0800 AM Worship (15 Minutes) Intros/Welcome – Introduce Facilitators (15 Minutes) Set tone/vision/objectives for event Objective: to help you understand how we will be creating a meaning-based translation...

Changing Server Settings

Changing Server Settings

Here is documentation on how to set the WACS server up in tStudio Android. I’m thinking that this will become a popular question. Server Settings Keep the settings for the server as determined by the program. There is no need to edit any of the settings unless...

Installing MAST Apps on a tablet

Installing MAST Apps on a tablet

Here is a video on how I install apps...not just any apps....but MAST specific apps on atablet.  I know....sounds exciting!  Well, actually it is.  The work that translators do on these tablets is life changing.  Along with the video, I have added tablet specs and an...

Post MAST-TSP Workshop

Hello all, As we are developing the materials and support that we all need. Would you please add a post here of those things that you would like to have or need to know where it is? For instance - here are the websites that will be good to remember:...

Changing Server Settings

MAST Tech Workflow

  MAST Tech Workflow Export or Back Up the Project (Step 1) When you are called to collect or "harvest" a chapter from a translator, you can do it from within the translationStudio program. Without stopping them or quitting the program or closing the project,...


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