USFM documentation

I have uploaded here a PDF copy of the USFM User Reference Guide. usfmReference2_4 Version 2.4 of the standard is widely used, and practically every Bible translation tool and online resource supports it. Some software tools (e.g. translationCore, Paratext) make use...

MAST Event – First 2 Days Guidelines

MAST Event Day One Chapel/ Devotion (30 Minutes) Start time 0800 AM Worship (15 Minutes) Intros/Welcome – Introduce Facilitators (15 Minutes) Set tone/vision/objectives for event Objective: to help you understand how we will be creating a meaning-based translation...
Changing Server Settings

Changing Server Settings

Here is documentation on how to set the WACS server up in tStudio Android. I’m thinking that this will become a popular question. Server Settings Keep the settings for the server as determined by the program. There is no need to edit any of the settings unless...