by lversaw | Jun 4, 2020 | MAST, WACS
I have uploaded here a PDF copy of the USFM User Reference Guide. usfmReference2_4 Version 2.4 of the standard is widely used, and practically every Bible translation tool and online resource supports it. Some software tools (e.g. translationCore, Paratext) make use...
by Doug White | Jun 4, 2020 | Field, MAST, methods, training
MAST Event Day One Chapel/ Devotion (30 Minutes) Start time 0800 AM Worship (15 Minutes) Intros/Welcome – Introduce Facilitators (15 Minutes) Set tone/vision/objectives for event Objective: to help you understand how we will be creating a meaning-based translation...
by Chuck | Sep 4, 2019 | bttw, MAST, migrate, training, tS, Writer
How to migrate or clone a repo on Door43 to WACS. Compare mirror and non-mirror options.
by Chuck | Aug 28, 2019 | MAST, SyncThing, Tools, training
Follow these simple instructions on installing SyncThing on a Windows 10 machine for MAST data collection. Notes: Install SyncTrazor
by Mark | Feb 18, 2019 | helpdesk, MAST, Tools, tS
Here is documentation on how to set the WACS server up in tStudio Android. I’m thinking that this will become a popular question. Server Settings Keep the settings for the server as determined by the program. There is no need to edit any of the settings unless...
by Mark | Jan 22, 2019 | helpdesk, MAST, procure, training, video
John explains the different tools used for technical support for Bible Translation. Email is probably the best type of support. Just send a helpdesk ticket to [email protected] Some links from the video: Home Submit Ticket...