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Updating before an event

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translationRecorder uses an internal database to keep track of language codes that can be used for translation projects. Unfortunately, this database is frozen at the time of the last issue of tR. Fortunately, it can be updated. Unfortunately, it requires an Internet connection to update. Fortunately, it is much quicker to update than translationStudio. Unfortunately, Internet is not available everywhere we do MAST.

I haven't yet found the location of the tR database, so I don't have a sideload technique available. However, to update the database in tR, start the app. You will have to create a local account in order to access the settings. Once you have entered the app, tap on the left side (project manager). Then, tap the menu in the upper right corner and choose "Settings". About half-way down the page is the option to update the database.

Ideally, this would be done in Orlando, when the tablets are prepared for deployment. Then we wouldn't face this challenge on the field (and delay the work.)
