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If you want to publish or re-publish material from Door43, it is important to comply with the requirements of copyright. All material on Door43 is available for use and distribution for free, but it remains protected by copyright.

Open Bible Stories

If you want to publish Open Bible Stories, there are two elements for which copyright must be noted. First, there is the text.

For example, the English OBS was published in August of 2015, the Spanish in April of the same year, and the Latin American Spanish version in March of 2017. This would be indicated in your publication as “Text Copyright © 2015” for the first two examples.

In addition to the text, Open Bible Stories contain pictures. These are “Copyright © Sweet Publishing”.

Unlocked Literal Bible and other Bible Translations

If you wish to publish one of the Bibles from, the copyright information can be found in the PDF version of the book in question. For example, at the time this help article was written, the book of Genesis in the Unlocked Literal Bible in English was

Version: 12

Published: 2017-11-29


This would be noted as “Unlocked Literal Bible Copyright © 2017”.

Creative Commons

The final thing to note is that all of this is published under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License (CC BY-SA 4.0). (Some portions may be licensed under version 3.0 of this same license.) One of the restrictions placed upon reproduction is that the license must be noted and any derivative works (additional translations, for example) must be published under the same license. This information can be found in any of our published work, and should be included in the same way in any reproduction of it.

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