Having the Bible translated into your own language is not the only thing that needs to be done. How does a person get to have God’s word in their own language? The might need the translated work in audio, printed, video recorded, or read, hear, see, or even by touch. Here are some discussion on distribution.

Problem Printing Images in Open Bible Stories
Some people will have a problem printing Open Bible Stories because the pictures don't appear. While we are working on a better solution, here is a workaround. Download the zip archive file...

Images for Open Bible Stories
The link in translationStudio to download images for Open Bible Stories is broken. As a result, you will not be able to print OBS from translationStudio until you manually update the pictures. The pictures can be downloaded...

How to Prepare OBS Projects for Publishing
This article is one in a series of articles describing how to get a GL project ready to publish so that others can benefit from it. This article deals with Open Bible Stories (OBS) projects created in translationStudio. A complete OBS project uploaded from tS...

WACS – the Wycliffe Associates Content Service
You may have already heard about WACS, and that we want all of our translated texts to be uploaded to WACS. This article is intended to tell you how to access WACS, and what you can do there. WACS, the Wycliffe Associates Content Service, is a storehouse for written...
Acronyms Used
There are many acronyms used by Door43 and unfoldingWord. Don't be afraid to ask if you don't see one here. DOT: Deaf Owned Translation GL: Gateway Language MTT: Mother Tongue Translator OL: Other Language The full list of content acronyms is at...
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